Paper medical records and “medical books” are no longer used in healthcare organizations. The “papers” were replaced by electronic medical records (EMR) containing the entire history of patient’s requests, diagnostic of diseases and treatment procedures. Medical organizations use special software for managing medical procedures and storing patient data.
threat intelligence
“If you want to change the world, start with yourself.” In the case of security research this can be rephrased to: “If you want to make the world safer, start with the smart things in your home.” Or, to be more specific, start with your router — the core of any home network as well as an interesting research object. And that router you got from your ISP as part of your internet contract is even more interesting when it comes to research.
Almost two years I’ve been focused on cyber security of Smart Medicine. The result was collected in the 3 big reports.
At last year’s Security Analyst Summit 2017 we predicted that medical networks would be a titbit for cybercriminals. Unfortunately, we were right. The numbers of medical data breaches and leaks are increasing. According to public data, this year is no exception.
Интерактивность – это свойство системы защиты, подразумевающее взаимодействие с атакующим и его инструментами и влияние на сценарий атаки в зависимости от действий атакующего. Например, методы, позволяющие запутать сканеры уязвимостей злоумышленников при помощи замусоривания выдачи, являются интерактивными. Кроме того, что они позволяют запутать злодея и его инструменты, подобные методы уже давно используются исследователями с целью получения информации о самих злоумышленниках и их целях.