Designed the “Application Security Fundamentals” course for Information Security students of my alma mater, I’m giving back and together with my friends from industry cultivate the design thinking of next generation alumni: shift the mindset from problem discovery to solution architecture.
Three years after launching, to increase the impact of this course, we made our lectures open to every Russian-speaking student. Just register yourself using the link from the first comment and wait for the announcement of open lecture tomorrow.
The photo illustrates how a typical class looks like – somewhere with laptop. Grab your device, headset and join!
Что общего между инвестированием и кибер-безопасностью? Риски.
Организованной толпой с Chief-друзьями из Positive Technologies и Kaspersky, под пристальным вниманием здвездного продюсера Павла Кушелева, мы обсуждаем тренды на сложных технологичесих рынках ИТ и кибер-безопасности, рассказываем о своих стратегиях инвестирования и управления рисками. Простым и понятным языком.
Запилили уже 4 выпуска подкаста “IT’s Positive Investing” и сложили их в Apple Podcasts и Яндекс Подкасты.
First photo from the circle keeps five years of difference: first presentation, hosted in Samara State Aerospace University campus for the audience full of CTF teams with firing eyes, at VolgaCTF – a “ for student, by student” event, organized by group of enthusiasts. 5 years later, VolgaCTF is full of sponsors and partners, hosted in conference halls and streamed worldwide. But still, an independent event, organized by the group of enthusiasts, keeping the same fire in the eyes.
We also keep our eyes shining there: last year our teammates occupied agenda of the event, this year our young Jedis occupied top of the competition scoreboard. Looking forward to next year @volga_ctf!